Saturday, November 9, 2019

Auf dem Württemberg

Up in the little town of Rotenberg across the river from me there is a most picturesque mausoleum where the former Queen Catherine Pavlovna, who died at the age of 30, lies next to her second husband, King William 1 of Württemberg. His first and third wives, both cousins of his, are buried elsewhere. Princess Caroline Augusta of Bavaria, the first wife by arrangement, was divorced from him after a six-year marriage which, they told the Pope, had never been consummated. Wife #3, Pauline Therese, suffered the same indignities of playing second and third fiddle to Wilhelm's lovers as did Katharina, and was left out of his will. The bridge in Stuttgart under which the drug addicts and winos hang out is named after her.

I've posted many pictures of the mausoleum which I took from our house; it's always the same perspective, only with different weather and light. Above you see a picture from the mausoleum back to our house.
When I go to Rotenberg, I challenge myself to see the building anew. Sometimes it becomes a tangle of architectural lines, as in the photo below.

However, when you are over there on a sunny day in autumn, you are drawn to the colorful vineyards surrounding it. And so from the vineyards you get a fresh view of the building.

Sometimes you are surprised by what - or whom - you see up in the vineyards.

Man vs Nature - man with nature.

Then I saw these very self-assured pigeons sitting up on top of a hut and took a quick snap from the road.

But I knew the shot would look much better if I had a colorful background, so I climbed up the hill and shot down, which didn't bother the birds one bit.

Or should there be more of the lovely landscape in the shot?

Or concentrate on only one bird?

The sky that day was captured by many photographer friends of mine. The particular atmospheric conditions allowed the contrails to stay visible for a long time and you could even see shadows of the vapor trails. And yet, I didn't see any pictures of the trails with a trail sign!

Monday, October 21, 2019

WWPW 2019

The Worldwide Photo Walk in 2019 was similar to the last eleven I've been on and yet it was in many ways different.

Again, a dozen photographers gathered at the appointed time and place and tried to take some interesting shots to enter in a worldwide contest offering a host of prizes for the top ten images. Once again, the leader - in this case two leaders, Beth and Martin - shook our hands, glanced at our glass and then they introduced themselves. And the introductions went around - again much too quickly, so I repeated the names to myself as best I could - and camera brands were duly noted. Ronja also had a Sony Alpha 7, I noticed. Otherwise, Canikon and phone photographers.

What was different was that I knew the leaders from our walk last year in Tübingen. And they really set the tone for the next several hours that we spent together. And my good friends Andy and Adi were there with their two boys. We have been on over a dozen photowalks together over the years. but what was really different was that the people smiled and looked at each other. Call me strange, but I found this odd in a very good way. These were not artists set on winning the grand prize and showing off their pixel power. They were people who wanted to see Esslingen on a nice fall day (it had just stopped raining) and meet some others who had this similar goal for the day. We even stayed together throughout the walk and took some shots together and taught each other to see in various individual ways. It was fun to be out there again!

Down in the town it was difficult for me to get excited about much that I saw. I was still trying to feel my way into the group, the town, the groove. When we walked up the hill, though, and looked out over the city and saw the vineyards, the groove tapped me on my shoulder and said "Here I am."
Actually, it was just a leaf that Andy had put up on an old gate, but it was enough to get me going.

Then, since Beth had told us to try to surprise her, I started thinking outside of the box. let's go abstract, I thought.

But there wasn't enough direct sunlight to give the photo above what it needed to really shine.
Walking around the corner from this house there was a lot of construction going on which could have provided some real highlights. After all, my biggest show was entitled "Construction without consensus". Now, I may be best known for my series "Looking up" but here I had to look down and look through.

But unfortunately there wasn't a whole lot going on either way. And a construction site without people or some interesting gesture is just a construction site.

Still, I thought the fish-eye reflections in the drainage pipes looked interesting.
Back to abstract thinking. "Ab-stract" means "detached" or "pulled away from". I tried to pull away from reality and representational images and shoot something that was only a composition. That's more difficult than it sounds in photography. When I'm drawing, most things tend toward the abstract. Here is another attempt.

Continuing to think in terms of composition, I came to an underpass as we walked back into town under the main street. With compositions, as with portraits, color rarely distracts from the image. In the photograph above I kept the colors because there were only two and they play a role in the composition. Below, however, the image works better without any competition from the palette.

I was finally rolling, shooting this architecture from various angles until I was satisfied with the image above.
Then we came upon a cute little street in the Beutau-Viertel and saw this possibility. I thought it was pretty cool and imaginative, but nowhere near perfect.

I love playing with reflections because they enable us to see two things - different perspectives, emotions, realities - at once. In a side alleyway I noticed a Vespa and tried a few shots in the rearview mirror, trying to line up the gutter and the vanishing points, or leading lines, as a photographer might call them. I was happy with it, but still not totally satisfied.

I had been to Esslingen numerous times, but had never seen this sculpture before (which doesn't mean it hasn't been there for years; only I had never noticed it before). I tried to make the most of it, but this is all I could manage without wading into the canal.

Then finally, shooting in bracketed bursts (-2, 0, +2 Ev), I passed by the window of a hipster restaurant and, thinking of my best shot from last year in Tübingen, pressed the lens to the window and shot a burst. The +2 shot was taken at 10,000 ISO, but with the Sony A7iii that's like 800 ISO with my old A77. I think this one sums up the afternoon quite well: There I was looking for light (the bulb is out) and patterns and something different in the old town and here it is all in one shot. The overexposure makes it look somewhat out of the ordinary, which is what I like so much about it.

Shortly after 6pm nearly all of us congregated at the Roter Hirsch für some wonderful Swabian food and a very pleasant conversation and exchange of tips and tricks for the future.
I sat myself down in the S-Bahn and headed home. I was so caught up in looking at my pictures from the day, however, that I missed my stop and decided to continue on to the Wasenfest, something I kinda wanted to do anyway. I had a second battery and plenty of room left on my 64GB card; plus, I had a second in the other slot anyway.
The great thing about going through the Wasenfest at night (if you can avoid all the puddles of this and that) is that you are among other photographers who are also looking for great light. I found some.

And some fun gestures.

And some unexpectedly serious faces.

Thanks to Beth and Martin, Andy and Adi, Ronja, Stefan and Dominik and all the others who made this a terrific day!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Messages from the Polit-Parade 2019

Every year - since its inception in 1979 - the Stuttgart Christopher Street Day Parade has been organized under a motto. This year's motto was "Mut zur Freiheit" (literally "Courage to freedom"...or "Dare to be free"), but nearly every individual group had its own motto, too.

(There are) more suckers than you think
Some mottoes are straightforward

On the other side it says "Gender is dead & so am I". Um...not so straightforward.

If bisexuality is (only?) a phase ... then I hope it lasts a long time.

Love is varied/diverse

Some people had several messages to share

The placard in the back claims (in the Swabian dialect) that "Diversity is the best" while her heart says "Open for diversity"

Some groups - like the Pirates (who push for free internet in parliament) - let you choose your own motto and stick it on.

Eye-catchers at the parade

This post is for my friend, Vince. When I posted the picture above on Facebook and said it was from the Pride Parade, he very astutely replied that, to him, it looked more like cosplay to him. Yes, there were indeed many costumes at the parade. Here are some of the most eye-catching ones that I saw. 

Even without the colors of the rainbow gracing their costumes, some people simply exuded an eye-catching aura.

This was his costume in 2018!

How much liberty do we need?

Come as you are

Perhaps my favorite couple

This man walked right in front of the heart before the parade began. 

Don't worry, Mom, he's wearing a fake chest!
The Statue of Liberty was popular because of the motto about freedom.

My nine-year-old daughter wouldn't believe me when I said that is a man.

But she believed me with this one.

Betty Heart from Betty and Friends usually has amazing costumes.

In 2011 the peacock feathers were amazing!

Franka K., a hairdresser from Munich, always creates a costume that touches on a current topic. Here the point is that homosexuals should also be allowed to donate blood and bone marrow, thus the cotton swabs.
In 2018 Franka's motto was the diesel scandal.
Cuisine seems to have been the theme in 2017.
And it was wind energy in 2016.
And I guess the message in 2015 was to hang up your clothes!
In 2011 flowers were in fashion.
And in 2010 Franka was looking for a young man to ride around (with) him.