Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lemon concentrate

Lemon concentrate

Lemonade serenade (thanks to Liz for that caption!)

One of the photography groups I'm in pursues one particular theme at a time, trying to come up with a series of pictures that exemplify that theme. After the catch-all "Time", which resulted in some interesting photos, the present focus is on the idea of "Concentration".
However, after a few meetings the results were somewhat meager. So last month the leader sent the group members home, challenging them to photograph a lemon. I had heard that you can really learn about lighting by taking pictures of an egg because you see how the light forms around it as you move either one. So I figured this challenge was similar.

Then it hit (or rather tickled) my bilingual brain: "lemon concentrate"! The double-meaning of the words is present in German and English, so I figured the pun was intended. In any case, it made for an interesting evening of lighting experiments in my studio!

My daughter tried some lemon juice recently and got her first concentrated shot of sour juice!

I'll end this blog with a little tip from a friend of mine: If you want to know where the light was set (where it was coming from), then follow the shadows and you'll find the light!


  1. I really love this one, Jim. The face of your daughter *lach*

  2. Don't you love the way her colors clash with and complement the yellow tones?

  3. The pic of Julia is just fabulous!
